Event Rules

Racing will be conducted under UCI regulations and Cycling New Zealand Road & Track racing rules.

As all events take place on open roads, it is a condition of racing that New Zealand traffic regulations are adhered to. It is also mandatory that helmets are worn at any time a rider is on their bike. Riders must keep left and where marked, must not cross the road centre line at any time.


The UCI scale of penalties will apply.

Any fines issued are on the individual rider and are payable by the rider to the Commissaires Secretary at the event or riders will be invoiced post event.


Bicycles must conform with current UCI regulations.

Helmets must be compliant with appropriate NZ Transport Agency Standards for use on open roads, including those used in the Individual Time Trial and must be worn at all times when riding your bike.

All riders will be required to attach timing transponders to their bikes, to enable the electronic timing to operate. These will be provided in the race pack.

Race Kit

The following apparel will be accepted to ride in:

  1. Club shorts & Jersey
  2. Club shorts with personal sponsors only if detailed on the rider’s Cycling New Zealand Membership.
  3. Full Trade Team Kit if rider is registered on a NZ Trade Team and the sponsors are detailed on the rider’s Cycling New Zealand Membership.
  4. Plain Black shorts.
  5. Jackets, if worn, must be either in the approved club uniform design or be clear (see through).
  6. Arm warmers and leg warmers are permitted, but must be a plain colour.
  7. Club skinsuit.
  8. Riders may ride in their Centre Colours if they wish, provided they have clearance from their club to do so. A start may be refused for any incorrectly attired rider.
  9. *Exception: In accordance with UCI Reg 1.3.063 – Until the day before the world championship of the following year, the world champions must wear their jersey in all events in the discipline, speciality and category in which they won their title.  In this event, any rider who won a world title at the UCI Gran Fondo World Championship in 2023 must wear the world champions jersey in the event in which they won (and the appropriate club shorts).

A start may be refused for any incorrectly attired rider.

Event Communiques

Event Communiques is the official distribution of event information. Please check here regularly for updated Communiques.